2022 Services

PAGE 1  January through April



Welcome to Holy Hilarity Sunday, April 24th!

Pictures on Home Page

For words to “Hark, the Harold Angel said” and “Go Tell It On The Smartphone”, click here

Special Music "I Will Follow Him"

by Parish Choir/Debbie Drobenak | "Sister Act"

Special Music "This Little LIght of Mine"

by Ground Oak Kids/Joyce Sowers

"Brief" Sermon/Hymn of the Day "Hark! The Harold Angel Said"

by Elizabeth/Congregation

Humor Break

by Rhoda McDermond and Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell | Mary and Martha getting ready for a "dinner party" with Jesus

Gospel Acclamation "Zacchaeus"

by Congregation/Debbie Drobenak

Humor Break

by Rhoda McDermond/Barry Steinour | "A talk with God"

Gathering Hymn "Go Tell It On the Smartphone"

by Congregation/Debbie

Welcome to our Easter Sunrise Service!  

Special thanks to all our muscians, Kathy Hoffman, Vince Lobaugh and the Parish Choir, our duet vocals Dawn Bodenberg and Debbie Moles, and to Pastor Eric Snyder on Drums and Guitar AND the Sunrise Message.  It was all quite inspiring.

Prelude "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"

by Kathy Hoffman/Vince Lobaugh

Opening Hymn "Were You There"

by Parish Choir/Congregation

Resurrection Medley

by Parish Choir/Congregation | "Christ Arose" / "Christ the Lord is Risen Today"

Vocal Duet "The Stone is Rolled Away"

by Debbie Moles and Dawn Bodenberg

Celebration of Praise "You are My All in All"

by Congregation/Eric Snyder

Vocal Duet "O Radiant Morn"

by Debbie Moles and Dawn Bodenberg

Offering Praise "The Blessing"

by Parish Choir/Eric Snyder/Vince

Palm Sunday

Offertory Song Of Praise "Our Father in Heaven"

by Congregation/Eric Snyder

Sending Hymn "What Wondrous Love Is This"

by Congregation/Debbie Drobenak

Apr. 10 Children's Sermon

by Pastor Eric Snyder

Special Music "Beneath The Shadow of the Cross"

by Parish Choir with Barry Steinour solo/Debbie Drobenak

Prelude "Jesus, Name All Names Above"

by Vince Lobaugh

Apr 3 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Gathering Hymn "Eternal Lord of Love, Behold Your Church"

by Congregation/Vince

Apr 3 Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Special Music "Jesus Loves Me"

by Ground Oak Kids in memory of Alice Angell

Sermon Hymn "Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed"

by Congregation/Vince

Special Music "Old Rugged Cross"

by Joyce Sowers, Julie Williams and Angela Marts in memory of Alice Angell

Sending Hymn "Lamb of God"

by Congregation/Vince


Mar 27 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Sending Hymn "Love Divine All Loves Excelling"

by Congregation/Vince

Special Music "Its Beginning to Rain"

by Parish Choir, Klaus Bergmann (accordian), Eric Snyder (guitar) and Vince Lobaugh (piano)

Mar 27 Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Gathering Hymn "Lead On, O King Eternal"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Sermon Hymn "Restore In Us O God"

by Congregation/Vince

Mar. 20 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Sending Hymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus"

by Congregation/Vince

Gathering Hymn "Bless Now, O God, The Journey"

by Congregation/Vince

Mar. 20 Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Children's Special Music

by Ground Oak Kids/Julie Williams and Joyce Sowers

Sermon Hymn "Softly & Tenderly, Jesus is Calling"

by Congregation/Vince

Prelude "In the Cross of Christ I Glory"

by Vince Lobaugh

Mar. 13 Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Gathering Hymn "Be Thou My Vision"

by congregation/Vince

Sermon Hymn "As the Sun with Longer Journey"

by Congregation/Vince

Mar. 13 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Sending Hymn "Savior, Again to Your Dear Name"

by Congregation/Vince

Praise Hymns "Build My Life" and "Who You Say I Am"

by Eric and Jacquie Snyder

Sermon Hymn "Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Sending Hymn "My Lord What a Morning"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh


Feb 27 Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Sending Hymn "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light"

by Congregation/Debbie D.

Gathering Hymn "How Good Lord to be Here"

by Congregation/Debbie D.

Anthem "Make Us a Candle"

by Parish Choir/Debbie D.

Feb 27 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Sermon Hymn "Christ Be Our Light"

by Congregation/Debbie D.

Gathering Hymn "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Anthem "Let My Prayer Rise Up"

by Parish Choir/Vince Lobaugh

Feb 20 Childrens Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Sermon Hymn "Lord Take My Hand and Lead Me"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Feb 20 Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Sending Hymn "Shine Jesus Shine"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Gathering Hymn "Oh, Jesus I Have Promised"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Sermon Hymn "Blest Are They"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Praise Hymns "Lion and the Lamb" and "Great Are You Lord"

by Congregation/Eric Snyder

Praise Hymn "You Are My King (Amazing Love)"

by Congregation/Eric Snyder

Sending Hymn "Leaning On The Everlasting Love"

by Congregation/Eric Snyder

Feb. 6 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Gathering Hymn "Come, Thou Almighty King"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Sending Hymn "Soon and Very Soon"

by Congregation/Eric & Jacquelyn Snyder

Feb. 6 Sermon and Praise Hymn "The Lion and the Lamb"

by Pastor Eric Snyder

Sermon Hymn "Here I Am Lord"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh


Jan 30 Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Gathering Hymn "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"

by Congregation/Debbie Drobenak

Sending Hymn "Go, My Children, with My Blessing"

by Congregation/Debbie Drobenak

Jan 30 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Anthem "Follow Follow"

by Parish Choir/Debbie Drobenak

Sermon Hymn "Where Charity and Love Prevail"

by Congregation/Debbie Drobenak

Jan 23 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Gathering Hymn "Morning Has Broken"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Sermon Hymn "Take My Life, That I May Be"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Jan 23 Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Anthem "You are Mine"

by Parish Choir/Kathy Hoffman | soloists: Seth and Tabby Hoffman and Felicia Steinour

Sending Hymn "Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh

Jan. 16 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Gathering Hymn - "The Church's One Foundation"

by Congregation/Debbie Drobenak

Sermon Hymn - "On Eagles Wings"

by Congregation/Debbie Drobenak

Jan. 16 Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

Sending Hymn - "Songs of Thankfulness and Praise"

by Congregation/Debbie Drobenak

Jan. 2 Children's Sermon

by Elizabeth Baker-Mikesell

"Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending"

by Congregation and Choir/Vince Lobaugh

"Waymaker" and "Who You Say I Am"

by Eric and Jacquelyn Snyder

"A Closer Walk With Thee"

by Congregation/Vince Lobaugh and Eric Snyder