Welcome to the Upper Bermudian Lutheran Parish. We are made up of two congregations – Mt. Zion Lutheran Church and Ground Oak (Upper Bermudian Lutheran Church).
Currently we have only one Worship Service each week, starting at 10:30 am and alternating between each church.
Check the Worship Schedule under Worship Times below to see the location of the Weekly Service.
The oldest of the two congregations, Upper Bermudian Lutheran Church (known as Ground Oak) has a rich history which dates back to 1770. Please click below to learn more about our congregation, past and present!
Mt. Zion was organized from the original congregation of Ground Oak in the mid 1800's, and the two have shared a continuous and close relationship for over a century. Please click below to learn more about us.
Beginning July 18, 2021 there will be only ONE JOINT service PER WEEK, HELD AT THE CHURCH WITH THE 10:30 SERVICE. Click “learn more” to find the church with the 10:30 service. There will be no 9:00 am services, except Sunday School.
Our supporters give out of their desire to strengthen the Church, their wish to give something back to the community, and their commitment to ensuring that future congregation members and their children will benefit from the same opportunities past generations enjoyed.