10:30 AM
4200 Carlisle Road • Gardners, PA 17324
185 Ground Oak Church Road • Gardners PA 17324
Use our safe and secure online giving platform to set up online donations to Our Churches. If you wish to direct your gift to Ground Oak, please choose the fund “Ground Oak Offering” after you click on button shown on left.
You can also give in person, or mail a check.
Mail all checks to:
Mt. Zion Lutheran Church
4200 Carlisle Road, Gardners PA 17324
Ground Oak Lutheran Church
185 Ground Oak Church Road, Gardners PA 17324
Mt. Zion Lutheran Church
4200 Carlisle Road
Gardners, PA 17324
Office: 717-486-3158
Ground Oak Lutheran Church
185 Ground Oak Church Road
Gardners, PA 17324
Office: 717-528-4096