Our Mission
At Mt. Zion and Ground Oak we strive to provide a sanctuary for prayerful worship within a respectful and welcoming environment and to meet the spiritual needs of our congregation and community. We are frequently trying new ideas in the Worship service, blending our established liturgies with some new and interesting music and lyrics.
Our children are involved in a number of activities and musical programs, under the direction of our wonderful Youth and Choir directors. In addition the older youth are also involved in many activities throughout the year.
All of these things and more are done to make our churches a vital part of our community and a place of comfort and companionship for everyone. Just as the Lamb of God tended his flock, so the Upper Bermudian Parish cares for and tends to the needs of our Christian neighbors. Please join us!
Ground Oak
Our Children’s Mission
The children of the Jr. Youth Group, from both Ground Oak and Mt. Zion, have taken on the task of helping those in need in our Community by stocking a Food Pantry at both churches. Ground Oak’s pantry was made by Curt Sowers and his father-in-law, John Heller. The Mt. Zion pantry was made by Bob Cline. Anyone wishing to contribute to either or both of these pantries, should contact Joyce Sowers at Ground Oak and Sherry Warrick at Mt. Zion.
Mt. Zion