Bible, cross, and crown stained glass window


Ground Oak


Mt. Zion

Visit Us!

10:30 AM

Upper Bermudian Lutheran Parish

Who We Are


Mt. Zion has shared a long-standing partnership with Upper Bermudian Lutheran Church located on Ground Oak Church Road about 6 miles away. These two congregations have shared a pastor and some ministries for decades,with a service at each church every week . In 2021, following the death of our pastor, Dave Clark, the Parish Council decided to have one service at 10:30 am, alternating the service between each church weekly. All are welcome to our combined services!

We are all invited to become children of God, and to live out that identity in all that we say and do. The more we remember Our Father, the more we become aware of all that the LORD does for us. Even if you are not able to worship with us, you are encouraged to invest yourself more deeply in God, and allow the LORD to help you live a deeper and more abundant life.

For those who are not members but interested in contacting a staff member or group leader, please use the “Contact and Directions” Menu at top right of the web page. Leave your email address or phone number for someone to get back to you.