Ground Oak
Mt. Zion
10:30 AM
The Adult Sunday School Class, since it’s commission, journeys beyond expectations of just hearing, reading, seeing, feeling, understanding, enjoying and proclaiming the Good News. The crew is also discovering that the Spirit of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, lives in each of us. This Spirit is nourished by the tasty words of God, Our Heavenly Father, who loves and cares for us so much, that He sent the Living Word to us. Those Words of Life are found in the Holy Bible.
Come join the interacting crew on its amazing adventure as they share how Jesus has revealed His love for us! You will find that you are not alone on this adventure.
Enjoy the great stories, the experiences of the crew members, and celebrate the promise that God made through Jesus, His Son! ALL ARE WELCOME!
Each week, Lisa Lockman cleans our church, empties trash, shovels snow in winter, and generally makes everything sparkle.
President-Felicia Steinour; Vice President-Agnes Thomas; Secretary- Treasurer-Diane Sweitzer
The Ladies Aid is an organization of Mt. Zion women that meet monthly on the first Friday of the month at 7:00 PM in the social room of the church. Most of the ladies who belong also join their spouses as “silent” members. The offspring of the ladies have their own organization called “Little Lights” until they are old enough to join the Ladies Aid. Ladies Aid dues are a whopping $ .25/ month. Little Lights dues are $ .10/month.
Each month has assigned co-hostesses who have devotions and goodies following the meeting. Within the Ladies Aid members there is a secret Pollyanna group, for those interested, whereby a secret pal is selected by the member in December. For the following year small gifts are purchased for the Pollyanna for her birthday, anniversary, holidays and special occasions. The following December your Pollyanna is revealed and another is chosen for the following year.
With the monies collected from dues and occasional fundraisers the Ladies Aid sponsors a missionary, does various renovation projects at Mt. Zion, serves funeral luncheons, when requested, serves at the Mt. Zion Congregational Dinner and donates to various charities and community families in need. The Ladies Aid is a fun social group. Please come to a meeting some month and join the fun!
This committee meets regularly throughout the year to plan our worship services according to the Seasons and Festivals of the Church Year and to discuss any other questions or concerns from the congregation regarding our church life and worship.
The committee consists of Organist/pianist, Debbie Drobenak(MZ) and Vince Lobaugh (Go); Choir director, Kathy Hoffman; Choir member, Rhoda McDermond(MZ) Altar guild chairman, Cynde Lybrand and Congregational representative, Ann Travis. This committee selects the hymns and music used in our liturgical worship. They also prepare for special Worship occasions and any special programs held during our worship times.
If you know of any praise bands or singers who would be willing to come and add to our worship, please let someone on the committee know or call the church office.
Mt. Zion Lutheran Church
4200 Carlisle Road
Gardners, PA 17324
Office: 717-486-3158
Ground Oak Lutheran Church
185 Ground Oak Church Road
Gardners, PA 17324
Office: 717-528-4096