Mount Zion Committees 

Adult Sunday School Class

The Adult Sunday School Class, since it’s commission, journeys beyond expectations of just hearing, reading, seeing, feeling, understanding, enjoying and proclaiming the Good News. The crew is also discovering that the Spirit of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, lives in each of us. This Spirit is nourished by the tasty words of God, Our Heavenly Father, who loves and cares for us so much, that He sent the Living Word to us. Those Words of Life are found in the Holy Bible.

Come join the interacting crew on its amazing adventure as they share how Jesus has revealed His love for us! You will find that you are not alone on this adventure.Courageously: Cindy Hogue, Rob Mauss, Keith Malinosky and even Dan Flohr lead us in learning The Way of Jesus while growing in the free gift of faith.

Come aboard and enjoy the great stories, the experiences of the crew members, and celebrate the promise that God made through Jesus, His Son! ALL ARE WELCOME!

Lisa Lockman - Sexton

Lisa Lockman - Sexton



Each week, Lisa Lockman cleans our church, empties trash, shovels snow in winter and generally makes everything sparkle. If something needs fixed, she alerts our Property committee chairman, Bob Walter.

Dave Warrick  - Lawn Care Contractor

Dave Warrick - Lawn Care Contractor

Dave Warrick keeps the grounds and cemetery in great shape during Spring, Summer and Fall.

He also does maintenance to the older grave stones in our cemetery which are in need of repair.

The Mt. Zion Property Committee

The Mt. Zion Property Committee generally meets as needed to address issues/concerns and prioritize projects/repairs with recommendations to the Church Council for consideration. Membership presently includes Bob Cline, Charles Graver, Keith Malinosky (co-chair), Harold Travis, and Bob Walter (chair).

Recent significant improvements included upgrading the PA system with augmentation to support multiple head sets for those parishners needing hearing assistance (compliments of Barry Steinhour), and a new hot water heater located in the downstairs restroom grinder closet.

Planned projects for the near future include new flooring in the upstairs men’s restroom, new well pump expansion tank and pump switch, new steel double doors, with panic access hardware, for the main entrance and the rear kitchen entrance to the social hall.

Other major projects for consideration by council and the congregation may include resurfacing the upper parking lot, installation of an air conditioning/heating system in the sanctuary, and installation of an electronic sign board.

Questions and/or concerns regarding the church permises should be directed to Bob Walter or any other property committee member or church council member. Contact information is available to church members under the “Members Only” portion of this web site.

150th Anniversary Celebration Committee:

On May 24, 2020, Mt. Zion will celebrate the 150th Anniversary of our Charter. A committee has been formed to research and plan events, starting in 2019 through the Anniversary date in 2020.

Members of this committee are, from left, Cindy Hogue (chair person), Stasia Rhine, Donna Miller, Ann Travis, Sherry Warrick and Felicia Steinour. If anyone is interested in joining this group, please see one of the members.

A theme of “Memories” has been chosen and quarterly celebrations have been planned for May 19, August 11 and October 20 for this year. Please read more details about these events by clicking here.

In addition, on February 9, 2020 a Sweet Heart Dinner is planned and on May 24, 2020 a special service recognizing Pastors and members from our past. More information on those events to come later.

Members are, starting back row left, Debbie Contreras, Donna Miller, Diane Sweitzer, Agnes Thomas, Felicia Steinour, Denise Brough, Cindy Hogue, and seated, Lloy Brough (president), Rosemary Sweitzer, Alice, Nailor, and Diane Richwine. Rhoda McDermond not present.

Ladies Aid Society


President-Lloy Brough; Vice President-Agnes Thomas; Secretary-Felicia Steinour; Treasurer-Diane Sweitzer

The Ladies Aid is an organization of Mt. Zion women that meet monthly on the first Friday of the month at 7:00 PM in the social room of the church. Most of the ladies who belong also join their spouses as “silent” members. The offspring of the ladies have their own organization called “Little Lights” until they are old enough to join the Ladies Aid. Ladies Aid dues are a whopping $ .25/ month. Little Lights dues are $ .10/month.

Each month has assigned co-hostesses who have devotions and goodies following the meeting. Within the Ladies Aid members there is a secret Pollyanna group, for those interested, whereby a secret pal is selected by the member in December. For the following year small gifts are purchased for the Pollyanna for her birthday, anniversary, holidays and special occasions. The following December your Pollyanna is revealed and another is chosen for the following year.

With the monies collected from dues and occasional fundraisers the Ladies Aid sponsors a missionary, does various renovation projects at Mt. Zion, serves funeral luncheons, when requested, serves at the Mt. Zion Congregational Dinner and donates to various charities and community families in need. The Ladies Aid is a fun social group. Please come to a meeting some month and join the fun!

Church Life/Worship/Music Committee:

This committee meets regularly throughout the year to plan our worship services according to the Seasons and Festivals of the Church Year and to discuss any other questions or concerns from the congregation regarding our church life and worship.

The committee consists of Pastor Dave Clark; Church secretary, Elizabeth Ortiz; Organist/pianist, Debbie Drobenak(MZ) and Vince Lobaugh (Go); Choir director,Donna Miller; Choir member, Rhoda McDermond(MZ) and Kathy Hoffman (GO); Altar guild chairman, Cindy Lybrand and Congregational representative, Ann Travis. This committee selects the hymns and music used in our liturgical worship. They also prepare for special Worship occasions and any special programs held during our worship times.

If you know of any praise bands or singers who would be willing to come and add to our worship, please let someone on the committee know or call the church office.

From Left to right: Vince Lobaugh, Pastor Clark, Kathy Hoffman, Donna Miller (standing) and Rhoda McDermond.

Not present: Debbie Drobenak, Cindy Lybrand and Ann Travis

Fellowship/Stewardship Committee:

Originally this committee was formed as a Fund Raising committee when Mt. Zion was faced with some expensive renovations to our Social Room and maintenance to our Mollar organ, both within a short time of one another. With the support and big hearts of our wonderful congregation we were able to finish these projects in record time.

Now this committee plans for events throughout the year to give our congregations and the community opportunities to meet for fellowship and fun [games, movies, special meals, etc.]. A second responsibility is to consider what fundraising needs must be met [Junior Youth Group Retreat, Kirchenwald Mission Work Camp for Youth, etc.] and to organize events for their benefit. We also support our hard working high school graduates by sponsoring the Annual Holiday Spectacular which benefits the Scholarship Fund.