Holy Hilarity Sunday April 16 at Mt. Zion
Easter Sunday April 9 at Mt. Zion
April 2 PALM SUNDAY at Ground Oak
Gathering Hymn "All Glory Laud, and Honor"
Sermon Hymn "Who You Say I Am"
Children's Message
Offering Hymn "Hide Me in Your Holiness"
Sending Hymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus"
March 26 at Mt. Zion
Sermon by Pastor Eric from a YouTube recording
Prelude "River Flows in You" (Yiruma)
Hymn of the Day "There is a Balm in Gilead"
Gathering "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name"
Offering Song "Champion" followed by "The Doxology"
Childrens Message
Sending Hymn "Here I Am Lord"
Childrens Song
Mar 19 at Ground Oak
“The Ten Virtues of a Believer’s Spirtual Life”
All songs sung by the congregation with Vince Lobaugh as organist